This demo doesn't seem to show any errors I see in a lot of other demos.
It's just here to show that demos can record fairly normally.
Was recorded not long after the Gordon Model one below.
NOTE: A lot of demos I recorded today, during the same map
right after an error free demo recorded, had errors listed below.
Some where just funny or good to watch and
I couldn't use because of these errors.
mod_extradata caching failed - Most demos had this one.
bad model on beam (not sprite) - What the hell is that?
Remember, I said error demos were recorded on the same
map right after a demo without errors, and all demos after
the good one started having these errors. Nothing on TRAIN
recorded right, then in Office it was good again, and I did
NOTHING to correct it myself.
Some people have such a good way of explaining BS in CS,
so go ahead in CB forum, I'ld like to hear about these errors.